2009/1/27 Hugo Mills <hugo@???>:
> This immediately makes me suspicious. There are very few reasons
> for writing a complete application in assembler, and I doubt very much
> that spinrite benefits in any manner, shape or form from having been
> written like that. There may be parts that *have* to be written in
> assembler, but they will be small and few.
I'm not saying it's better or worse as a result of being written in
assembler. Just a well known fact that it's the way he codes.
I have never bought spinrite (or any other product grc sells) and
don't take everything he says as gospel, I just happen to listen to
his podcast because sometimes it's informative and frequently
entertaining (in a pointing and laughing kinda way).
> This simply sounds like more snake oil to me: "It must be good!
> It's written in assembler!" At best, I'd view it as a stunt, done to
> show off rather than for any good engineering reason.
I really don't think that's it. It's just the way he rolls (as the kids say).