Author: Jacqui Caren Date: To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List Subject: Re: [Hampshire] [OT] DNS cache on Netgear DG834G
Vic wrote: >> I've never really quite got "why" one would set up "one's own" DNS
> There are a couple of reasons, but the most compelling is that ISPs
> invariably skimp on their DNS provision. As a result, DNS queries are dog
> slow - so that means your browsing is slow as well. And if your ISP's DNS
> servers fall over[1], you've got no hope...
And coISP's often *lie* they include a wildacrd entry directly you to
an ad server - so that if tyou mistype a domain you get thjier paid ad
service. This of course completely bugger up mail servers which often use
MXdomain results to bounce fake spam domains.
I also add domains known to be used by spam/virus/js/swf/... for feedback
as local master pointing to which logs what the infections
are trying to do...