Re: [Hampshire] Xorg is hungry today...

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Author: Stuart Sears
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Xorg is hungry today...
On 06/10/09 20:41, Lisi wrote:
> Please could someone add the deal breaker for me, and the reason I
> have only ever looked cursorily at rpm/yum systems.
> What are the yum equivalents of: aptitude update

As that just downloads metadata (IIRC) - nothing.
Yum does this automatically without you asking if the local metadata is
'old' (you get to choose the age involved)
If you want to force the issue,
yum clean metadata
will clear the cache first, so that it gets refreshed on your next yum

> aptitude (safe-)upgrade

well, the closest I can think of is yum --skip-broken
yum update --skip-broken
will update everything for which it can resolve all required
dependencies and skip the rest.
There may be other yum plugins that add this sort of functionality

yum update
will attempt to update everything it can on your system to the latest
versions in the repositories. This sometimes fails if a dependency is
missing (usually down to someone not packaging something correctly, or
the mirrors not having completely synced yet).
That's why --skip-broken exists.

> and even: aptitude dist-upgrade

That we don't have, exactly.
Although there have been tools on Fedora to do distro upgrades
(preupgrade, for example.)

> This is a question - the basic building blocks of package management
> - that I have not succeeded in fully resolving. I have asked at
> various LUG gatherings and have always been told that yum is just
> like apt. It isn't, of course. It may perform the same job, it may
> even do so better, but it is not the same.

> And, even more importantly, could someone point me at the FM that
> explains in simple terms how to recognise and edit the equivalent of
> /etc/apt/sources.list?**

man yum.conf
(man -k yum for those who like to find this stuff themselves)

It has a 'repositories' section, with examples.
but, as it is basically very simple:

name=human-readable name

Plus other options if you really want them (like enabled=0|1,
gpgcheck=0|1, gpgkey=/path/to/public.key...)



** this would be the sources.list file that totally confused me when I
first got to it? Never mind all the apt pinning stuff... :)
Stuart Sears RHCA etc.
"It's today!" said Piglet.
"My favourite day," said Pooh.