[Hampshire] Demo talks

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Author: Adrian Bridgett
To: Hants LUG ML
Subject: [Hampshire] Demo talks
We have two talks lined up for the next meeting - many thanks to Pete
Savage and Adam Trickett for voluntering.

I'd really like to have a third talk consisting of 3-4 mini-demos of
software. Being very quick demos, I'm hoping that we can get some
more victims/volunteers to show their favourite program. To clarify -
I'm not after one person to do 3-4 demos, more 3-4 people to do one
demo each.

For example, on the TalksRequested[1] page, "Skype" has been
suggested, so something like:

* how to install (skype.com, repositories + apt/yum)
* how to setup (new/existing user)
* test phone call and chat
* (perhaps problems, comparison with windows?)

Other possibilities will involve me pestering anyone being too vocal
about their favourite email client[2].

I've made a start on the talks page - see the "mini-talks" section at
the bottom.

Discussion on the mailing list and offers/suggestions on the wiki will
be much appreciated by all I'm sure.

[1] http://hants.lug.org.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MeetingSuggestions/Talks
[2] Slypheed Claws for example

Adrian Bridgett - adrian@???
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