Re: [Hampshire] Linux User Needs Help - £50 - Cash Donation …

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Author: Damian Lajos Brasher
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Old-Topics: [Hampshire] Linux User Needs Help - £50 - CashDonation to the User Group
New-Topics: Re: [Hampshire] Linux UserNeeds Help - £50 - Cash Donation to the User Group
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] Linux User Needs Help - £50 - Cash Donation to the User Group
On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 10:51 +0100, richard brooks wrote:
> Hi i live in Winchester and want to run an old Dell server box as my
> home Linux Server - we have 384 RAm inside and a P3 of some speed or
> another - anyway it is enough for my needs - i have also installed 2 x
> 250GB hard drives in Master / Slave configuration - (not the most PC
> term that is it?) - anyway - and i have 2 x NICs installed to create a
> DMZ across the server. We already have a wireless ADSL router
> installed at home and i can request a static IP address from my ISP
> although dont use one currently.
> What i want:
> 1. to have the 2 x drives running a RAID 1 set up
> 2. to use the Linux server to authenticate access to and from the LAN
> and WAN - basically a Firewall
> 3. To be able to access the server from my holidays and travels
> 4. To be able to host a small non commercial family web site and blog
> + accept pictures that we want to show friend and family, plus i would
> like to be able to use my mobile windows PDA, take a photo and then
> enter the home LAN via WIFI router and upload photos to family web
> page, and do the same when on my travels.
> 5. To access the network in the home using windows or mac via Cable of
> 6. To only connect to the server once it is running via VNC or similar
> terminal emulator - this box is going into a cupboard under the stairs
> and will not be used as a terminal, only as a server
> 7. When i do access, to have a GUI GNOME or KDI installed so i dont
> have to learn Linux scripts
> 8. To map drive space so i can use this to protect my PC based work
> files and to have a partition for each member of the family for their
> needs
> I am new to Linux but not computers, i am currently studying for a
> statistics exam, have a young family, run a business and play sport, i
> could work this all out but i just do not have the time at the moment
> - i am willing to pay but i think a donation to the users group is
> more in the spitit of the Linux community.
> I am happy to either drive the server to your house, leave it for a
> couple of days and then pick up, or you come here and i feed you pizza
> and beer until it is done.
> I could also do this as a servies of email instructions, but time
> again is my enemy.
> I have currently installed UBUNTU EDGY but i am happy to use any
> flavour of Linux.
> regards Richard

This is almost looking like a professional job - £50 to the LUG group is
only worth doing if the volunteer is in need of experience or practice -
the follow up (support needs) after a job like this is complete and the
security risks are quite high to this volunteer, you do run a business -
so if you want some guarantee of support then you are better off paying
the full price. There are a number of small Linux consultancies that do
just this kind of thing in Hampshire.

Can anyone advise on the Wiki where Linux consultancies are listed?

If you had the time to build this server then the LUG list is a good
place to ask for advice.

Damian B

Damian Brasher