On Sat, Dec 29, 2007 at 10:19:29 +0000 (+0000), Sean Gibbins wrote:
> Having just bought a 4GB kit I am looking to sell the 2 x 1GB modules
> that currently reside in my main machine.
> There is a description of the product here:
> http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-088-CR
Just a warning - the voltage on these (2.2v) is above the standard, and
whilst _most_ motherboards will be fine, some are not.
In particular the asrock 939 conroe isn't (guess who found this out).
Despite telling them, last I checked crucial still claimed it was
compatible (but asrock only went to 1.9v). They were good enough to
replace it for normal memory though, but as a result of their dreadful
"customer support" overclockers will never get another penny of my
money (unlike crucial whose customer support is absolutely first rate).
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