[Hampshire] [ADMIN] Meeting, HantsLUG posts and AGM

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Author: Adrian Bridgett
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Old-Topics: [Hampshire] Meetings and AGM
New-Topics: [Hampshire] Bring-a-Box reminder - next weekend
Subject: [Hampshire] [ADMIN] Meeting, HantsLUG posts and AGM
A reminder that the next meeting will be this Saturday up at SurreyLUG:

Stephen Nelson-Smith has kindly offered to give a talk on how to use
Puppet and Func to automate and centralise system management:
We'll try and let you know a time for this since I know there are some
people particuarly interested in it (myself being just one!)

October's meeting we will _hopefully_ be back in Southampton in one room
or another but this isn't confirmed yet (Damian's doing some stirling
work to get this sorted).

It's also AGM time so if you want be able to vote then you'll need to
fill in a registration form unless you've done one within the last
year (most people filled one in more than a year ago). I'll bring a
stack with me to both meetings. You can also download a registration form from:

It would be nice to have some volunteers for posts:
General officer (two posts)

Current victims^W volunteers standing are:
Alan Pope: hostmaster, GO
Ian Brazier: treasurer, GO (TBC)
Adrian Bridgett: hostmaster, GO

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