On Tue, Nov 25 at 02:08, Sean Gibbins wrote:
> Bob Dunlop wrote:
> > [1] http://linitx.com/viewproduct.php?prodid=12194
> > [2] http://mini-itx.com/store/?c=44
> It's been a few years now, but I had a terrible time getting
> mini-itx.com to accept returns, to the point that I had to threaten them
> with Small Claims Court, i.e. send the initial recorded delivery letter
> detailing my intention to progress the claim, before they would even
> answer my emails, etc.
> Linitx have a much better reputation on this list, IIRC, although I must
> say that my dealings with them have been limited.
Never had a problem with either company, dealing with both on and off for
home and work. Mini-ITX did once forget to include two DIMMS (I still
think my boss at the time confused the order), they arrived next day in
a foot cubed sized box.
Never had to return anything to either company.
Bob Dunlop