m.nuttall@??? wrote:
> Quoting John Cooper <lug@???>:
[ snip ]
>> Martin, I'd try the live CD versions of Fedora, Kubuntu (I think this is
>> the same as Ubuntu where the install CD is a live CD) and others so you
>> can try without installing them. Debian isn't for novices so I'd try
>> Ubuntu instead. I prefer Fedora but I'm used to Red Hat systems and
>> prefer the commercial bias.
> are there many fedora core users on this list?
Absolutely. There are at least 2 of us in the midst of the ubuntu
hordes. :) In fact I'm fairly certain there are quite a few more than that.
> The commercial bias is a plus since i have done tech support for schools in the
> past and might need to do some linux in the future although i dont know which
> distro. Although may end up in a commercial enviroment in time.Mas
> Any negatives for being a more commercial distro? (fedora)
it's no more commercial than most, actually.
> I will still be able to get codecs for media players for example.
yes (in fact, mp3s - or possibly oggs, I have a mixture - are playing
on this machine as we 'speak') but the fedora project cannot (or in some
cases just plain won't) ship these in the distro - It goes against the
central idea.
Everything (officially) included is intended to be free and not
patent-encumbered. So there is a small amount of extra work to do to
enable that stuff. I believe it's all on the fedoraproject wiki anyway
now. (you just add the livna repository to the existing list).
or just ask here. :)
You can also download and install the binary codecs for many video
formats from
www.mplayerhq.hu (or buy them from fluendo).
Seasons Best
Stuart Sears RHCA etc