Re: [Hampshire] The Slug has landed...

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Author: Sean Gibbins
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Hampshire] The Slug has landed...
Andy Random wrote:
> Or at least my slug has been delivered!
> So a couple of questions for you happy slug owners:
> I've had a quick hunt through the previous links posted here and I assume
> this is the best procedure to follow to Debianise it:

That worked nicely for me, and I'm not terribly clever!


> If there is a better set of instructions to use please let me know.
> Any gotchas I should know about?

As previously mentioned I encountered an issue with Debian's package
installation where that part of the install failed on a particular
package (can't remember which). I simply re-ran the whole package
installation component of the install routine and it worked fine second
time around, for whatever reason.

> I notice reading through the quick start instructions that it says a disk
> must be formated to use with the device and that it isn't compatible with
> use on a windows machine.

I hooked my 160Gb Samsung (in its USB caddy) up to a Linux box and
simply partitioned with cfdisk and formatted from the command line. I
used ext3, but I note people have mentioned that the journalling might
generate something of an overhead with large filesystems on such a low
powered system, and that ext2 might be a better bet. Dunno personally,
not encountered any major issues in that regard that warranted further
investigation yet.

> Out of curiosity is this simply because it used Ext3 (or some other Linux
> file system) and so would work with Windows fine if you had the Windows
> drivers for the filesystem installed or does the slug natively use
> some sort of proprietary file system?
> Also assuming I go for the Debian install on a HD connected to one of the
> USB ports, once installed is there anything stopping me from connecting a
> USB hub to the second USB port so I can connect several more peripherals?

Dunno I am afraid Andy. I am guessing that a suck-it-and-see approach is
unlikely to do any harm, but it might be worth a look in the mailing
list here first:

I have a usb printer hanging off my second port, so I would be
interested to know if I could use a similar approach for a backup drive.
