[Hampshire] Which Distro ?

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Author: Russell Gadd
To: Hampshire LUG Discussion List
Subject: [Hampshire] Which Distro ?
I am trying to decide on a distribution to use for my home PC and would
welcome comments on the following.

The background is that I am slowly getting into Linux, intending to drop
Windows eventually. To date I have installed Debian Etch and Ubuntu as
trials, multibooted with Windows XP. Also have installed Debian on a
different (older) PC used solely for internet surfing - using XFCE4 as
window manager. I have dug into the internals a bit now, and am comfortable
with for example config files, regular expressions and some bash code. So I
am reasonably confident that I can set up a system and tweak it as

My natural choice would be Debian Etch. However, although it is by no means
the only package I want to run, a major problem is that I need to run
Gnucash version 2.2 so as to use the data files I have set up in Windows and
the version in Etch is only 2.0 which is incompatible. So I am looking at
present at 3 choices:

Debian Lenny:
- upside is that I am comfortable with Debian, its reputation and
philosophy; have experience of its packaging (aptitude as well as Synaptic),
has Gnucash 2.2 and will be the next stable
- downside is that security updates are slower, I am very keen on security
so am sensitive to this problem although have no experience of what this
might mean in practice - perhaps I could consider using Vmware Player
running a browser for my internet surfing,
- also how unstable is it in practice?
- not sure how to manage updates - in order to get more stability, should
I ignore all but security updates if I am happy with the software as it is?

- upside is it is Debian based, has Gnucash 2.2
- downside is I'm not convinced of its stability - (I think it is based on
Debian Sid?). I am very keen on stability. I know when Gutsy came out there
were shouts from Gnucash users of it causing problems

- upside: major distro, has selinux support, presumably benefits from Red
Hat connection
- downside: haven't run this, no experience of packaging system, have
heard a comment that it is used by Red Hat as a test bed for new things, so
how stable is it?
