On Fri, Nov 07 at 08:11, Alastair Biggs wrote:
> The server needs to be small, efficent and quiet and needs to be tucked away somewhere or wall mounted so I was thinking I would go with Mini-ITX.
Mini-ITX is seriously over the top for the applicaion you describe unless
you enjoy building expensive things.
I'd suggest using a Linutop[1] booting from Flash. We use a number of
these at work for various tasks and they have been rock solid. Solid
state, fanless == silent and lowish power consumption.
Only problem is that Linutop want a lot of money for it. So buy the Viglen
MPC-L [2] and back convert to solid state by replacing the 2.5" hard drive
with a CF module. Still cheaper than Linutop and you end up with a free
drive. See Alan Popes mail for how to get the MPC-L even cheaper.
I agree with some other comments that 2.5" drives are not great in small
boxes and prone to overheating. A lot of the early laptop drives were
only speced for an 8 hour out of 24 duty cycle. You can get 24/7 speced
server grade drives these days, but your small application just crys out
for solid state.
[1] http://www.linutop.com/
[2] http://www.viglen.co.uk/viglen/Products_Services/Product_Range/Product_file.aspx?eCode=XUBUMPCL&Type_Info=Description&Type=Desktops
Bob Dunlop